Say good bye to Joo Ji Hoon

Joo Ji Hoon akan menutup official homepagenya terhitung mulai tanggal 1 desember 2009, dan setelah itu dia akan melakukan wajib militer.
honestly, he was my idol, siapa sih yang ga jatuh hati liat dia jadi pangeran shin?

Seperti yang kita ketahui, bulan april lalu Ji Hoon terlibat kasus pemakaian narkoba, Setelah menjalani masa hukumannya, comunnity service dll, kini Ji Hoon mempersiapkan diri untuk wajib militer selama 2 tahun.

september lalu, ji Hoon meningalkan pesan kepada para fans nya ( maaf ya ngga di translate, soalnya message nya dalem bgt, jadi kalo di translate takut ga dapet maknanya)

"It’s been really long since I last saw everyone. I am feeling emotional now, very sorry and pained all this time. The most important thing is that I miss everyone and feel sorry…"

"I have received all your emails and letters, and I will hold onto them. I’m trying to live my life to the fullest everyday, so please don’t worry about me…"

“Everyone can see how bad I was in my moment of foolishness. I promise that I will not repeat the same mistake again so that everyone can see a better Joo Ji-hoon"

bye ji hoon! wish you all the best for your life!
semoga setelah wamil, ji hoon bisa balik ke dunia entertainment dan bersinar seperti dulu

article by : sorasarah from Indonesian Hallyu
source : starnews

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